News and Blog

A Letter to the Tax Reform Panel: FairTax Boon to Home Building

(Forrest K Harstad)
I’d like to explain how the FairTax will be one of the greatest boons to homeownership and the home construction industry in the history of America.
I have been a Realtor since 1975 and a home builder/ developer since 1980 in the metro area of Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota.
First, the FairTax eliminates the imbedded expenses [...]

FairTax opinion by Congressman-elect Rob Woodall

Knowing the economic growth that the FairTax will bring to America, I am always pleased when one of America’s major news outlets focuses on this legislation, as happens frequently. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial warning politicians against supporting the FairTax was no exception. While I certainly disagree with the editorial’s conclusion, in the wake of Tuesday’s midterm election results the WSJ’s admonition is tremendously instructive to the new Republican majority set to lead the House.

FairTaxKC on Money Line

FairTaxKC is now appearing on KMBZ Radio 980 AM in the Kansas City area on Peter Newman’s Money Line Show on Saturdays from 11:45am to 1:00pm. Peter Newman is Kansas City’s TAX MAN. He is widely recognized as the most respected Income Tax CPA in the Midwest. He is an ardent supporter of the FairTax [...]

MN 4 Fair Tax – A YouTube Message

The National Fair Tax (HR25) is alive and well among the Conservatives in the Congress. Below is a YouTube presentation by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lethien of Florida for your information. We encourage you to contact your Congressmen asking them to actively back a call for a hearing by the House Ways and Means committee, chaired by [...]