FairTaxKC on Money Line

FairTaxKC is now appearing on KMBZ Radio 980 AM in the Kansas City area on Peter Newman’s Money Line Show on Saturdays from 11:45am to 1:00pm. Peter Newman is Kansas City’s TAX MAN. He is widely recognized as the most respected Income Tax CPA in the Midwest. He is an ardent supporter of the FairTax movement and has campaigned for over 25 years on his regular radio program to completely repeal the Federal Income Tax even though he makes his living doing tax returns. FairTaxKC is now his chosen guest organization and he gives them one full hour on his Saturday program. His radio audience is over 15,000 and growing. The podcast from last Saturday, July 24th is now on Youtube (available here) or directly on the KMBZ website (available here).

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